Hi there! We are the Jesuits

Sinners yet Called to Serve the Church

Companions of Jesus

Jesuits are
called to serve a world in need, sharing Christ’s mission of justice and reconciliation
We are religious priests and brothers
sent to all corners of the world to share the Good News of our faith, to promote justice, and to foster greater dialogue between different religions and cultures
We seek the greater glory of God
and the development of a more humane and sustainable world.
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Blessing for the New Priests at Kotabaru Parish, July 2022

Finding God in All Things

The life of the Jesuits
is based on the spiritual experience of St. Ignatius of Loyola who learned to “find God in all things”
In every works
we always dedicate it to the glory of God
Inspired by St. Ignatius
we too strive to discover God working in all the realities of our world… as Contemplatives in Action
in prayer, in people, in world events, in nature, in our daily actions, in our own hearts, there is always GOD

Pater Wawan is helping Botong parishioners for planting rice

Contemplatives in Action

The method of Ignatius
is written in his Spiritual Exercises
It’s a small book
that can help anyone to be free from unhealthy attachments
so they can follow the still, small voice of God
that speaks in the deepest desires of their hearts
Listen closely. God may be trying to speak to you.

Pater Harry Setianto after Easter Mass in the remote area of Papua

Available to Go Anywhere and Do Anything

Being a Jesuit
opens our lives to risk and adventure
St. Ignatius sought companions
who would generously offer themselves to be sent to any part of the world where greater service to God and help for people is expected [cf. Const 603]
where others do not want to go or cannot go
where we can do greater good for individuals and communities
We still seek to go where there is most need and it is most urgent

Pater Benny when visiting Pakistan to see the possibility of carrying out a mission with them

the Future

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Scholastics and Brothers meeting of JCAP Assistency in Chiangmai, Thailand

Friends in the Lord

Jesuits are centered
in their personal love for Christ and their identity as friends in the Lord
We are not civil servants
or professionals
We are ordinary men
from every culture and country united by Christ to continue his work, and to share our lives as Jesus did
We are ordinary men in deeply human and concrete friendships

Jesuits and friends get together for a fun run to celebrate Cardinal Julius' 88th birthday

Global Companions

Our international formation
brings us together as we share community life and mission across cultures
Anywhere in the world where we find a Jesuit community
we feel among friends
For Jesuits, “the world is our home.”

Jesuit Scholastics join the Laudato Si Run

Learned and Poor

Ignatius and the first companions
were known as men who were “learned and poor”
To do good for others
we know that we need both intellectual and spiritual depth
This combination makes us men
who are not detached in ivory towers, but rooted in the reality of the world and the hope of the Gospel
Pope Francis’ ‘option for the poor’ means living and thinking with the people

The Novices learn to plant tree

Unique Calling

This unique calling has enabled Jesuits
to be renowned as educators, helping people to find an intelligent faith and serving as an intellectual voice for the Church
This comes not only from our excellent education, but also from living close to the poor and suffering

The situation in Botong Parish Kalimantan when a Prest want to serve in some chapels

A God Who Unites Contradictions

Faith and world, action and prayer, interiority and apostolate, individual and community, poverty and apostolic
means, studies and closeness to the marginalized, universality and local inculturation, Church and existential frontiers
We Jesuits receive from Ignatius and the first companions
an experience of a God who is revealed in the tensions and contradictions of life
Seminarians of Peter Canisius, Mertoyudan

A down-to-earth mysticism

Ignatius is the saint of a down-to-earth mysticism;
he lives in the world as in a burning bush inhabited by the love of God, who assumes the tensions of life, harmonizing them, uniting what is apparently contradictory.
Ignatius has left us the most human of God’s experiences
How divine our human experience would be if we followed his path thoroughly!
Ignatian Year Mass in Mangga Besar Parish

Join Us

Ordination of P. Hastra Kurdani, SJ in Madrid, Spain

Hi! We are the Jesuits

Mau gabung?

Jika Anda sedang merasakan ada api panggilan, datanglah kepada Jesuit terdekat di kota Anda atau hubungilah sosial media mereka. Kami siap menjawab apapun pertanyaan Anda mengenai gejolak panggilan yang sedang Anda rasakan. Kami akan menjadi teman Anda untuk menemani pergulatan panggilan agar Anda dapat menemukan banyak kegembiraan, kebebasan dan pilihan yang tepat untuk hidup Anda. Mari bersama-sama menjadi rekan Yesus dalam bermisi di dunia ini bersama Serikat Jesus Provinsi Indonesia.

Setelah Anda diterima sebagai Novis Jesuit, Anda akan memulai berbagai program pembinaan yang terbukti dapat menuntun Anda pada kedalaman spiritual, akademik bahkan pelatihan pastoral dan katekis yang dapat dibutuhkan untuk melayani umat di belahan dunia manapun. Anda akan menghidupi suatu hidup berkomunitas seturut Latihan Rohani Ignatius, yaitu hidup dalam kesederhanaan dan kedekatan dengan orang miskin. Anda juga akan memiliki suatu gairah untuk tidak henti belajar agar bisa semakin melayani umat dan meneruskan iman kita. Semuanya ini kita lakukan untuk kemuliaan Allah yang lebih besar, bukan untuk kepentingan kita pribadi.

Kerja Keras Kami

Lewat pengalaman Venezia, St. Ignatius bersama para sahabatnya sebagai kelompok yang ditandai oleh kerohanian mendalam, kebiasaan berdiskresi, sifat terpelajar, serta melayani orang mempersembahkan diri kepada Paus untuk siap diutus. Selanjutnya dikenal salah satu unsur dinamis kehidupan Serikat dan anggota-anggotanya, yaitu bersatu meski tersebar dalam aneka perutusan dan dalam ketersebaran itu terus memelihara dan mengembangkan kesatuan melalui relasi pribadi dengan Tuhan, ketaatan kepada Superior, komitmen terhadap perutusan, serta kebiasaan saling berkomunikasi.


Jesuit terlibat dalam dunia pendidikan dengan mendirikan sekolah-sekolah dan universitas maupun membantu sekolah-sekolah dan universitas di berbagai Keuskupan.

Pelayanan Gereja

Jesuit terlibat membangun Gereja Indonesia di beberapa keuskupan secara profesional, transparan, ramah anak, humanis, dan murah hati.

Orang Muda

Para Jesuit menemani orang-orang muda (offline & Online) untuk membawa mereka ke masa depan penuh harapan


Jesuit menyebarkan semangat Ignatian yang sangat berguna bagi diri Jesuit itu sendiri maupun juga orang lain yang mengajak orang dapat memerdekakan dirinya.

Pelayanan Masyarakat

Jesuit memahami bahwa iman tidak akan terwujud tanpa penegakan keadilan, pelayanan sosial menjadi kunci terselenggaranya Kerajaan Allah

Jangan Ragu hubungi kami

P. Paulus Prabowo, S.J. (Coordinator)

Seminari menengah Petrus Canisius Mertoyudan (paulprabowosj@gmail.com)

P. Hendricus Satya Wening Pambudi, S.J. (Area Jakarta)

Kolese Hermanum (satyawening@gmail.com)

P. Paulus Hastra Kurdani, S.J. (Area Jakarta)

SMA Kolese Kanisius Jakarta (kurdanisj1537@gmail.com)

P. Alfonsus Ardi Jatmiko, S.J. (Area Jawa Tengah)

SMK Katolik St. Mikael Surakarta (ardidejesuit@gmail.com)

P. Fransiskus Pieter Dolle, S.J. (Area Yogyakarta)

SPM Realino, Jl. Mataram Yogyakarta (pieterdolle@jesuits.id)

Br. Franciscus Xaverius Marsono, S.J.

SMK PIKA Semarang (marsono@jesuits.net)

Br. Antonius Dieng Karnedi, S.J.

KPTT Salatiga (diengsj@gmail.com)


If you feel a Vocation flame, just let us know. We will accompany you to find your true Vocation.

Come to Our House

Kolese Hermanum
Jalan Johar Baru VI A/6, RT 008/09
Jakarta 10560